More interactivity,
less time and effort spent

Exceptional companies use Enrichment Automation
to work smarter, not harder

The major time-saver for retail and direct selling

Interactive enrichments such as shop icons, links, videos, animations etc. greatly increase engagement and conversions in digital catalogs.

Traditionally, these enrichments have been created manually. This process often takes between 2 to 10 hours per digital catalog.

But Enrichment Automation can do it for you in seconds, simply by matching PDF tags or Product IDS to your product data.

Retailers already using Enrichment Automation

Add shop functionality to your catalog in seconds

To make your digital catalog actionable for the shopper, you need CTAs - such as product links or icons - that take the shopper along their buying journey.  

By combining the power of PDF tagging or visible product IDs with your product data, shoppable CTAs can be inserted into your digital catalog automatically in seconds, instead of manually in hours. 

Save time and resources

Imagine manually creating shop links for a digital catalog with 30 pages and 10 products per page.

That’s 300 products in total. Typically, it takes 2 minutes to create a shop link manually.

That equals 600 minutes. 10 hours.

With Enrichment Automation, you can do it in seconds.

On top, changing one type of enrichments to another can be speeded up. For example, if you want to change hover-style external links to in-catalog shopping via icons.

"Let me put it straight. There's always work to do. Time is very, very precious. So, every hour saved  can be used for something else"

Anda Latsa
Rimi Baltic

A world-class customer experience

As an online shopper, it's frustrating to add products to the basket only to discover at the checkout that the product is not available or the price is different. But in retail, change is inevitable: Inflation makes prices fluctuate, and supply chain issues can complicate availability.

With Enrichment Automation, you can continuously and automatically update price or availability in your digital catalog. This will ensure you stay ahead of the competition on price and that out-of-stock products aren't clickable.

Update regularly and without errors

Many companies take pride in always providing the best deal for the shopper.

But then imagine having to manually cross-reference your digital catalog prices to match with the prices on your website.

Imagine doing that daily. Perhaps even hourly to stay ahead of the competition.

With Enrichment Automation, this can be done automatically at a specific interval.

“Automated processes, that is something we have to count on. We’re trying to remove as much manual work as possible”

Sofie Gauw

Getting started is simple and easy

With Enrichment Automation, there's no steep learning curve. Getting started is easy. We do the heavy lifting and create the automation for you, based on your PDF and your data.

Contact us directly via chat or email, or just book us for a meeting when it fits you!

We'll do the hard part for you

Imagine just sending a few emails and having a meeting or two, and then - shortly after - you will have a functioning Enrichment Automation!

We just need a PDF and a data source.

Then, we'll write the custom code that connects your product data to the tags in the PDF.

We can also customize the Enrichment Automation UI for you.

For example, to enable you to select special icons and styles for the enrichments.

Really, it couldn't be much simpler for you.

So, what are you waiting for?

Let's chat or book a meeting with us now.

Want to get started with Enrichment Automation?

Book a free personal meeting by selecting a time that fits your schedule. Get a tailored introduction to Enrichment Automation and how it can help you save time.