Solving three B2B problems with a single digital catalog solution
Ji Sport uses digital catalogs in B2B to increase marketing ROI and activate customers on all online channels
Mr. Bricolage Bulgaria chose to pay a little extra to get a lot more.
Rimi Baltic uses iPaper to create shop links automatically, allowing them to focus more on high-quality marketing campaigns
Carrefour MAF uses web and mobile integrations to help customers shop fast and conveniently online
With iPaper’s Flipbooks, Koçtaş enables shoppers to browse and add items to their cart directly from the catalog, providing a seamless journey and increasing shopper engagement.
El Corte Inglés Portugal use iPaper to reach shoppers anywhere, anytime, on any device
POWER uses iPaper to ensure its competitive prices are automatically updated throughout its digital flipbooks
Working with both iPaper Display and Flipbooks, Rossmann has not only transformed its promotions tactics, but also improved the flexibility of its ecommerce team.
Tackling digital transformation head on, Cristian Lay has become a breakthrough industry leader with its iPaper catalogs
JYSK automates the entire process from the moment the print version is uploaded, to the publishing of the online catalogs
Mobile-first catalog experience that's enriched with product videos, shopping links and WhatsApp checkout.
Customers can add products to their in-catalog basket thanks to a mobile-first, WhatsApp enabled shoppable experience
Using ecommerce integration, automations and the iPaper API, Fleggaard increased the percentage of orders that contain products added to basket from the digital catalog from 0 to 10%