3. Automate

Your digital catalog, while time-consuming to create, is generating traffic and clicks. Now what?

Whatever the publication cycle and process for your digital catalog, automation can save you time, money and manpower involved in creating, uploading publishing it.

But the process of creating such a digital catalog enriched with videos, animations, shop links and icons can be very labor- and time-intensive.

What if all that work could be done automatically?

Why not automate?

Imagine manually creating shop links for a digital catalog with 30 pages and 10 products per page. That’s 300 products in total. Typically, it takes 2 minutes to create a shop link manually. That equals 600 minutes (10 hours).

Products per page
Pages per catalog
Products in total
Products in total
2 min
Time spent per product enrichment

Your team’s time could be used better on other, more creative and value-adding tasks.

Luckily, there is a faster way of creating enrichments:

By combining simple PDF tagging with Enrichment Automation — which we build specifically tailored to your needs — you can reduce those hours of work to a single click and a few minutes.

With Enrichment Automation, you can save time, resources, and money.


Make your products shoppable, automatically

To make your digital catalog actionable for the shopper, you need CTAs - such as product links or icons — that take the reader along their buying journey.

By automating your enrichment creation process, you can insert shoppable CTAs into your digital catalog automatically in seconds, instead of manually in hours. No matter if you have a handful, or hundreds of products.

The result?

Your digital catalog can advance the shopping journey and directly create and influence revenue for your business - without spending countless hours manually enriching it!

See how you can take advantage of taking the manual work out of updating your digital catalogs, with Enrichment Automation:

What is Enrichment Automation?

Update prices and product availability, regularly and without errors

Change is inevitable: inflation makes prices fluctuate, and supply chain issues are complicating product availability.

On top, imagine if you mistype a single decimal place for the price of a product: this can have big consequences for your business, as well as an impact on customer satisfaction and loss of trust in your business.

With Enrichment Automation, you can continuously update dynamic elements - such as price or availability — in your digital catalog.

The result?

You will stay ahead of the competition on price, and provide a better customer experience. By automating this process, you also reduce the possibility of human error.

iPaper is trustworthy and dependable, allowing us to be confident that all prices are consistent across our stores, website and digital catalogs.

Joakim Sigvardt
Ecommerce Manager

Use Enrichment automation to make sweeping changes throughout your catalog

With Enrichment Automation, updating and changing the creative elements of your catalog—from icon shapes and colors to products images, CTAs, and even animation—can be done in seconds.

Instead of manually making every change in every digital catalog in every folder, you can simply…

  1. Select the new media asset that should replace the existing
  2. Then, your custom Enrichment Automation replaces every instance in every of your digital catalogs.

Read our guide on how to make sweeping changes throughout your digital catalog  by updating your existing Enrichments, below:

Update existing enrichments via Enrichment Automation

Update your enrichments automatically, every day

If your business has a webshop, then you likely have a data feed from which your webshop draws all product information.

By integrating your dynamic data source—such as a regularly updated product feed—with your digital catalog, iPaper can automatically update product descriptions and prices to reflect what’s on your webshop.

With a dynamic data source, a custom Enrichment Automation solution can also check for product availability and remove or change the CTA for products which are currently unavailable.

The result?

A stellar shopping experience that matches your webshop.

Learn more about how to automatically update your enrichments daily, with Auto Update, below:

Auto update for Enrichments

Advanced tagging for an engaging digital catalog, automatically

Tagging your PDF is the basis for all enrichments, most notably shop icons or links, and doing so efficiently can save you countless hours spent in the Enrichment Editor.

In terms of your digital catalog, tagging the PDF means you define specific areas as relating to specific assets, such as videos, GIFs, or images, or CTAs.

Many companies want to add something extra to the digital catalog: something that catches attention, that educates, or inspires.

With advanced tagging, you define specific areas in the PDF for creative options, such as:

Ambient autoplaying videos
Different CTAs depending on the color scheme of a specific page
Multiple ways to show inspirational content alongside your products.

Just tag the areas, and let the Enrichment Automation auto-populate all the assets based on the tags.

The result?

You easily and quickly go from a transactional digital catalog with shop links and icons, to a full-fledged inspirational digital shopping experience.

Learn how defining elements within your PDF via tagging can accelerate your digital catalog creation process:

What is PDF tagging?

Make digital catalog creation a truly streamlined, hands-off operation with FTP monitor

By implementing an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Monitor, iPaper automatically creates a new, or updates an existing, digital catalog when you drop a PDF file into a monitored folder.

FTP Monitor watches over a folder you’ve specified, for any new files. When a new PDF is dropped into it, iPaper will automatically use it and create a digital catalog, or update an existing one. Combined with Enrichment Automation, iPaper creates and updates your enrichments.

Using an FTP Monitor comes with the benefits of allowing multiple users (for example, if you use an in-house designer, or an external agency) to update, or create your digital catalogs without accessing iPaper.

Alternatively, your print system can automatically move updated PDF files into the monitored folder.

The result?

You can go from PDF to fully enriched digital catalog without ever accessing the iPaper admin.

Manage your workflow with FTP Monitor